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News Update on Recent Technical Issues

Dr. Brown

Staff member
Nov 4, 2024
Reaction score
Hello Smutty Forum Community,

We wanted to update you about the recent technical difficulties we experienced. Since December 15, 2024, our server encountered unforeseen issues that caused disruptions in accessing the forum.

We’re happy to let you know that everything has been resolved, and the forum is now fully operational! 🎉

We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. The team worked diligently to ensure everything is back to normal, and we’ve taken extra measures to prevent such issues in the future.

Feel free to dive back in, catch up on conversations, and enjoy the forum to the fullest. If you experience any issues or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Thank you for being such an incredible community. 💜

Warm Regards,
Dr. Brown