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[K2S] Lulu Blair - Lulus gargantuan dildo fuck

Dr. Brown

Staff member
Nov 4, 2024
Reaction score


Our stunningly beautiful size Queen ‘Lulu Blair’ returns in a personal record breaking insertion movie, stretching her blown out, bucket hole wider than ever, on the 4XL ‘Atlas’ dildo from ‘Hankeys Toys’! We were totally blown away by this shocking update from our most gorgeous model, taking on the biggest of all dildos! With her petite size of 4’,9” tall and 92lbs weight, this Disney princess babe shocks us with her humongous insertions that defy the laws of physics! Lulus cavernous hole is simply insatiable and when she feels like fucking a monstrous black cock, only the very biggest will satisfy her perverse needs! Well they don’t come any larger than the 4XL Atlas, measuring 18” tall x almost 5” thick and it looks even bigger than Lulus own leg! Watch in amazement, as this stunning babe impales her slobbering snatch on its colossal head with all her weight! She bounces up and down, grinds her pelvis around in circular motion and f0rces her snatch apart to the very limits of her pelvic bones! It’s fucking mind blowing to see this colossal BBC tearing Lulus bucket hole so wide, we thought she’d split in half at any given moment, but she just keeps on fucking it deeper and harder without any fear at all! Hear her intense groans of ecstasy, as she destroys her snatch beyond return, trembling in multiple, explosive orgasms and fucking her biggest toy in every possible position! The end result is a very satisfied Lulu, spreading her cavernous hole apart directly towards the camera, showing us her blown out insides hanging open and drooling profusely, in the aftermath of this incredible scene, you wouldn’t want to miss!

Tags: queen, dildo, toy, bucket, hankeys toys

830 MB | 1920 x 1080 | 00:08:05
