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Lesbian [K2S] Casting, Robyn and Tonya, Released: October 22, 2012

Dr. Brown

Staff member
Nov 4, 2024
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Casting, Robyn and Tonya, Released: October 22, 2012

18 year old BFFs Robyn (blonde, sexually experienced, here for money) and Tonya (brunette, sexually naive, here for... I don't know why) do everything together. Shopping, movies...and now porn auditions. They're not into each other, they claim, but that doesn't deter me from having them kiss and then later go down on each other. They're weirded out at first, but do it anyway. "$1000 - $5000 per day..." I love watching Tonya give Robyn an orgasm. After that Robyn is all too eager to keep eating her friend out, too. Did I just kindle a sexual relationship between these two? Lots of firsts for them today. I do a Human Centipede type thing with the girls and Robyn's pussy cream on my cock tells me I'm on to something. No lube anal oops: I didn't realize I was in Tonya's ass until it was too late, and she didn't say anything. Neither did Robyn, who watched the whole thing happen up close. Poor girl, Tonya's the one who was afraid of trying anal. Hilarity ensues when I have Robyn lick Tonya's cum covered face clean. I can see their regret sink in when the party is over. My office was broken in to a day after their audition. Too late, I had already taken the cameras home. I'm guessing somebody didn't want this footage to leak out. I wonder who...

Blonde, Brunette, Casting, Lesbian, Reality,

File Name : Robyn+Tonya.mp4
File Size : 1.5 GB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:52:10
