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[K2S] Adalind Gray - Little Slut Diaries Oculus/Vive 7k


Nov 24, 2024
Reaction score

Adalind Gray - Little Slut Diaries Oculus/Vive 7k

Adalind Gray
Studio: KinkVR
Tags: vr porn,
3D Type for 3D video: SideBySide
Device Type for VR video: Oculus

Candles are for romantic dinners, or... to play with your hot babe Adalind Gray in glorious 7K 180-degree virtual reality only on KinkVR. It's no secret, your girl loves to be a total slut for you. The sluttier, the better! And how can you refuse any of her submissive ideas. Looking at her in that tight latex dress, it's impossible not to give her all the pain she craves. She better be ready. Today you have prepared hot wax for her tight body. It sure will be delightfully painful. So grab your Meta Quest 2, Oculus Go, Valve Index and shower her with your love, and hot wax.

File Name: Little Slut DiariesOculus 7K.mp4
Duration: 00:48:14
Resolution: 7168 x 3584
File Size: 14.2 GB

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