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FFM [K2S] 616 - Candice Demellza, Patricia Lee - Threesome On


Nov 24, 2024
Reaction score

616 - Candice Demellza, Patricia Lee - Threesome Only With Me Oculus 7K

Candice Demellza, Patricia Lee
Studio: CzechVR
3D Type for 3D video: SideBySide
Device Type for VR video: Oculus

Your girlfriend's friend is at least as hot as she is, which makes things a bit difficult for you. When your babe is out, this girl always tries to talk you up and lately you feel like she wants to get you out of your pants. Suddenly, your girlfriend returns and clearly picks up the vibe. She gets angry and sends her friend to water one of the plants in your home. Plastic plant, which is not known to Patricia. After some well-deserved mocking, she gets invited to a steamy threesome - your girlfriend does not mind sharing, but she doesn't want you two to stay alone and have all the fun without her![/B]

File Name: z3ch-vr 616Candice Demellza, Patricia LeeThreesome Only With Me Oculus 7K.mp4
Duration: 01:04:12
Resolution: 7680 x 3840
File Size: 27.06 GB

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