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[FJ/K2S] Wife’s “Me Time” Becomes Freeuse Time, Lexi Stone (HD)

Dr. Brown

Staff member
Nov 4, 2024
Reaction score
Wife’s “Me Time” Becomes Freeuse Time, Lexi Stone




Milf Lexi is a stay-at-home wife who cherishes her quality alone time, enjoying activities like binge-watching series, cleaning, or reading. However, her well-meaning but clueless young husband Elias, who loves spending time with her, inadvertently disrupts her peace by choosing the worst possible moments to seek her company. He wants to be around her, talk about his day and work, and share some quality time with his lovely wife. Lexi struggles to adapt herself to Elias' new schedule, trying to include him in her daily life without much of a choice. Now, she has to do all the things she loves while Elias goofily talks to her and freeuses her all around the house. It’s okay, she can manage some more daily cock with her husband to show him her support.

Video: H.264/AVC 1920x1080 29.97fps
Audio: AAC 44100Hz 2.0 chn 128 kbit/s
Duration: 00:41:00
Size: 995 MB
