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Rules Elite Models Videos Section Rules

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Dr. Brown

Staff member
Nov 4, 2024
Reaction score
Elite Models Videos Section Rules

Please read carefully:
  1. Section Guidelines:
    1. This section is dedicated to standard definition (SD) videos for professional models only.
    2. For celebrity, social media, or amateur models, please refer to other sections.
    3. Videos with resolutions 720p or higher must be posted in the "HD Exclusive Videos" section.
    4. VR videos should be posted in the "VR Exclusive Videos" section.
  2. Titles:
    1. Preferred Title Format:
      1. Include an abbreviation for the host name (e.g., [K2S], [RG], or [K2S/RG]).
      2. Include the model's name and, if possible, the studio name.
      3. Use prefixes when applicable.
    2. Formatting Rules:
      1. Do not use ALL CAPS, unless they are acronyms or abbreviations.
      2. Ensure correct spelling and avoid using symbols or non-alphabetic characters.
      3. Titles must be in English only.
    3. Accepted Example: [K2S/RG] Brazzers - Kylie Rocket - Disorder In The Court.
    4. Refused Example: d0ding b@lls by s3xy girls.
  3. Content Requirements:
    1. Posts must include the following details:
      1. Screenshot of the video.
      2. File format (e.g., MP4, AVI).
      3. File size (e.g., 700 MB).
      4. Screen resolution (e.g., 480p).
      5. Video duration (e.g., 12 minutes).
    2. Prohibited:
      1. Do not use link-shorteners, link-protectors, or link-anonymizers.
Note: Rules are subject to change. Any updates will be reflected in the title.

Best Regards,
Dr. Brown
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