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  1. xXx

    [K2S] Casting Sarah, Released: May 14, 2012

    Casting Sarah, Released: May 14, 2012 After a week of nothing but walk-outs and flakes, this chick shows up. Licensed massage therapist, but swears she's legit. That makes one of us. I knew she was crazy when I saw her Susan G. Komen tattoo on her tits. Great body otherwise. She's kinda...
  2. Hung

    [K2S] Casting Ania, Released: July 11, 2011

    Casting Ania, Released: July 11, 2011 From Russia... with loooooove. But fear not, Ania was raised in the US so her English is fine. Not that you'd know because her mousy voice is barely audible over the air conditioner. Doesn't matter because she doesn't talk much anyway. Instead, she's a...
  3. Dr. Brown

    Lesbian [K2S] Casting, Robyn and Tonya, Released: October 22, 2012

    Casting, Robyn and Tonya, Released: October 22, 2012 18 year old BFFs Robyn (blonde, sexually experienced, here for money) and Tonya (brunette, sexually naive, here for... I don't know why) do everything together. Shopping, movies...and now porn auditions. They're not into each other...
  4. Dr. Brown

    [K2S] Casting Charlotte, Released: June 17, 2013

    [K2S] Casting Charlotte, Released: June 17, 2013 Redhead Charlotte does little custom videos for guys who want to jerk off to her doing stuff with her feet. Now she wants to take it to the next level and make a big splash in the larger fetish porn world. That's where I'm supposed to come...
  5. Dr. Brown

    [K2S] Casting Charley (February 2, 2013)

    [K2S] Casting Charley (February 2, 2013) You know what's cool? This chick. Even cooler: being the first guy to fuck her in the ass. Coolest: this chick, again, because she's smart enough to be on the pill so I can inseminate her without having to worry about creating another teen mom...
  6. Dr. Brown

    [K2S] Casting Jesse (March 2, 2009)

    Casting Jesse, Released: March 2, 2009 Jesse walked in my door and I knew I had it. Then, she told me she was 18 and I knew that all I had to do is let her think that I'm legit. I guessed wrong. When I let her know that she had to suck my cock, she was not happy at all - she bailed after...